By Jean-Paul Satre

Directed by Al Lien

Jan. 16-17, 22-24, 29-31, 2004
Studio Theater 8:00pm curtain

Cast List

Cradeau.............. Joe Kilpatrick
Attendant.....................David Struble
Inez.......................Linda Smith
Estelle...............Jennifer Archibald


Producition Staff:

Director................................Al Lien
Assistant Director/Stage Manager..Stephanie Leach
Costume Design...........Dale George & Julie Kelly
Sound Guru.........Gary Bolton
Light/Sound Tech..............A.J. Wasielewski
L/S Tech Assistant......Kirsta Wilson
Hair/Makeup................Margaret Anne Slawson
Producer.......................... Margaret Schaal
Poster Art...........Sandra Kozleuchar
House Manager ........Hedges MacDonald, SE
Intern.......................Chase Edwards

Drama by Jean-Paul Sartre Opens Friday, January 16, Runs through January 31
TRAVERSE CITY --- Tickets for the Old Town Playhouse Studio Theatre production of No Exit go on sale beginning Monday, January 5, 2004 through the show’s conclusion on Saturday, January 31, 2004. The play opens Friday, January 16, at Old Town Playhouse located at 148 East Eighth Street in Traverse City.
Written by Jean-Paul Sartre, No Exit is the story of three strangers who are thrown together in a single sparse room where they will remain for eternity. There are no windows or mirrors, one door they can not open and lights they are unable to turn off. These strangers discover that hell is not fire and brimstone, but having their souls stripped of all pretenses by the cruel curiosity of the damned.
No Exit is being directed by Al Lien of Traverse City. The three strangers will be played by Jennifer Archibald, Joe Kilpatrick and Linda Smith with David Struble playing their attendant.
Performance dates for No Exit are January 16-17, 22-24, 29-31, 2003 in the Old Town Playhouse Studio Theatre. All shows begin at 8 p.m. Tickets are $8 and can be purchased at the door or in advance by calling the Old Town Playhouse business office at (231) 947-2210 or on-line at Reservations are recommended.
For more information, contact the Old Town Playhouse business office at (231) 947-2210, e-mail or visit
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