Diary of Anne Frank

Closing night

Eva Jimenez,
don don don don...Don!!!!  When Don enters the room...the sun begins to shine!

 Barbara Goodearl
What a privilege it has been to work on this incredible show - learning from Michelle's amazing directions and working with a marvelous crew and cast....
I'll never forget all the tears shed at the end  of the show.  Todah Rabah (Thank you G-d)

Justin Sarns
Wow what a ride! This show has been by far the hardest and most emotional show I have ever done.  I have learned so much thanks to this wonderful cast ,,,, crew, not to mention a wonderful director.  I will never forget this incredible journey and hope to be able to do this show again in the future.  All I can say is that this has been an honor and a privilege and i will never forget thank you.  

Kathi Ivany-Mort
This has truly been an honor and a privilege  to work on this production.  What a wonderful cast.....everyone just right for his or her part!   What a great family we have become.  I will never forget any of you.  Each of you hold a special place in my heart and in my prayers.  

Danielle Naidow
Wow it's been fun! I really enjoyed working with this cast and crew! It's been a long , hard road but in the end it all becomes worth it. To be able to tell this wonderful, important story is such an honor and to be able to work with such wonderfully talented people just makes it that much better. Thank you to everyone who has helped out with this show. Thank you to the others in the cast and the crew. And thank you to the real Franks, Van Danns, Dussel, Meip, and Kraler, and of course Anne. It's people like Anne and the others that make this world a better place. "I still believe in spite of everything that people are really good at heart" ~*

Donald Kuehlhorn
It is closing night. i will write my own journal to close this show but here i thought about the evening. It is with mixed emotions i come to this show. On the one hand, i am glad it is over. We play but it is not the fun of discovery. It is a new audience but the same lines.  As i approach the end of the run i want out. But with the end of the show comes the separation from good people. We develop a bond during the show. We depend on each other on stage. We become family. i know i will see a lot of these people in the next show or around the theater but some will move on. Is is fun to think of who next we meet and sorrow that we won't see others. Life moves on.

Kathy Verstraete
Once again another show is over and what  a wonderful experience it has been .  It has been a great cast  and crew  and they have all done a fantastic job.  
Thanks Michelle for letting me part of this great ride

Amy Warner
Closing night, it doesn't seem possible.  I am so blessed to have worked with such a talented cast and crew.  Michelle, your visions are truly amazing and once again you have directed an incredible show.  Thank you for allowing me to be a part of it.

Cinder Conlon
Damn...what a great show. It has been a pleasure and privilege to be involved in it.  Thanks to Michelle, the cast and crew for making this such a wonderful experience for me.

Erin Larson
I had fun time doing the props I am going to miss you all It was nice meeting you all.Hope to see you again sometime.

Brian W. Dungjen
This experience was a joy for me. It was my second time being directed  by Michelle,  but the first time as husband and wife. We got through this without any major mishaps or arguments, and have  been dealing with Michelle being pregnant as well. We found out that we are going to be parents during the rehearsals for this show which makes it all the more special. I enjoyed watching the other actors work through this material and making their characters grow into real people. Everyone grew and did a fantastic job on stage and off. I look forward to working with any of these people again. Danielle... you are a fantastic actor with a huge amount of talent. Thank you all.

Esme Bloomquist
I have had  such  a wonderful time working with all of you!!!! I couldn't think of a better introduction  to the main stage!!!! Thank you everyone who helped  bring this show to life!!!!!

Lisa Robitshek
This has been an incredible experience for me and I have felt so blessed to have been a part of telling this story. I appreciated your patience for the "newbie" to the cast. I have been astounded by the talents of this cast and crew. Thank you all!!

Larry "The Krahler" Hains
Rare is it when you come together to produce something that you hope will transcend the lights and move the audience, and find that it ends up moving you more than you ever thought it could.  This was such an experience for me.  Maybe it was the raw power of the story; perhaps the effusive passion of the Director;  or the synergy of this particular cast.  Maybe it was the roller coaster ride of not intending to be in the show, then agreeing, then thinking that you would have to drop out so as to not place the cast and Director in a precarious position, and then being informed that they were willing to take that chance and that they wanted you.  Whatever, it was one hell of a ride and I am very grateful to Michelle for letting me be a part of her vision.