The Fallen in the Coeur d'Alene
Written and Directed  by Wayne Erreca

February 10-26, 2006

Director's Journal

Cast Announced:

Tyrone Temple: Justin Harris

Cynthia Temple: Ashleigh Hanchett

Sidney Wellborn: Dan Jablonski

Roselyn Stevens: Sandra McClain

SamanthaWellborn: Stephanie Young

Production Staff:

Director - Wayne Erreca
House Manager - Hedges MacDonald
Stage Manager - Tina O'Rourke
Costume Design - Sandra McClain
Prop Manager - Candice Rain Rowland
Special Effects - Jill Costanzo
Electrical & Sound Consultant - Gary Bolton
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in Coeur d’ Alene

Auditions: November 21st & 22nd
(in the Studio Theatre at Eighth and Cass Street in Traverse City)
7:00 pm

A psychological mystery taking place in the home of Tyrone and Cynthia Temple.
The year is 1937 in the quaint city of Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho.
They are expecting guests for a long overdue reunion, which unravels, into a macabre situation of mistaken identity, time lapses, and hidden motivations.

Tyrone Temple: a husband and lawyer (mid – 30’s-40’s)
Cynthia Temple: Housewife (late twenties – 30’s)
Sidney Wellborn: Father and New York actor (50’s-60’s)
Roselyn Stevens: Fiancée and Talent Agent (40’s)
Samantha Wellborn: Sister (20’s)

February 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25 2006

THE FALLEN in Coeur d’ Alene is written and directed by Wayne Erreca, who was in last years production of George Bernard Shaw’s, OVERRULED in the Studio Theatre. He has written and produced five other plays, spanning over twenty years as an actor and director in San Diego, California.
Volunteers for backstage crew work, stage manager, light & sound technician, and set construction are most welcome. You can contact Wayne Erreca at (231) 938-9327 prior to the auditions if you are interested.
Perusal scripts are available at the OTP office during business hours for a $5.00

deposit. For information, contact the Old Town Playhouse (231) 947-2210