The Hot Patootie Files:
February 28
On our dark night we some folks have a moment to stop and think about the journey we are on. Some folks are still working today and tonight! It is a good time to appreciate all the work that has been done and all the work still ahead.

I know that Don will post this on the web site, in " Patooties Files" ( go look) so I am addressing this to the Stage crew and Lights and hope that other's see it. 

A Great Big applause =D> from all of us for:

Set Design and Crew!  Thank-you Al Thompson and crew for all you have done!!!!!
Costumes!  Jeanette and Kathy and crew wonderful costumes!!!!!
Make-up and hair, Syndi....outstanding!!!!!
Tracey, our Producer who has also been working with the Usher Team also... a little extra duty added to an already huge job. Lady you are great!!!!!
 Rick and The Band!   We want your first CD!!!!!! 
Sound!  Gary, you are the tops!!!!!
Lights, Cinder and the Ladies of the night!!!!!! Our Jacqui's help has been wonderful!!!!!
       Boy do we have color!
Jeanne who has worked like a shadow, finding and getting and making our props!!!!
Mike Nunn who gave us the great "Rocky Horror"  above our stage!!!!!
Don Kuehlhorn aka Captain CUE ( Certified Utility Engineer) for the many things he has fixed and made work better!!!!!
The Transylvanian Ushers, and Chris, Sherri and Brenda House Mgrs., you folks  are taking on a role that has not been done before, ground breakers!!!!!
Sara for the vocal quality we hear on stage!!!!!
Brian, Scott and Aaron whose banner has lead all of us this far and will continue onward to the Opening Night!
      Tireless good work!!!!!
Dick Cieslik and all the stage crew, what a great group this is!!!!!

I suggest we just take and minute and yell it, or whisper it:  Thank-you to all  =D> =D> =D> !!!!
See you all on Wednesday to start the last mile!!!!!

February 26
Hot Patooties! I am forwarding this weeks schedule from Tracey, our Producer. Read carefully. Stage Crew  see you Sunday at 12:30pm. Cinder set the spots their schedule!  
Malinda  is off on Sunday. See you on Monday Malinda! Denni

Hi all, it's getting exciting!  You are looking good!  Here are some reminders/review for this upcoming week:
 F first thing:  The article appeared in the Record Eagle today - and while the article was good, I totally apologize for the order of the people.  It may be my fault, as the front row is listed from "stage left", however, the back row is listed left to right as you would traditionally see.  I could have sworn I did them both the same way, but as I don't have that piece of paper that I gave him any more, I can not say for sure.  The two of you who really are in error are Jim and Jeff - so sorry!
Al - thanks for speaking with the reporter, most of the info is from you, (but I wish he hadn't mentioned throwing hot dogs, hopefully we won't have any of that.  :)
Cast/Crew:  Sunday is Tech Sunday, to review, "call" is at noon.  We are expecting that the show will start to run @ 1:30 p.m.  Remember, it's a long day, be prepared.  Also, remember that we will feed you.
This Week's Schedule:  At this time, plan to be at the playhouse Monday (2/27), Tuesday* (2/28), Wednesday (3/1) and of course Thursday (3/2), that is Dress Rehearsal!   (*Note - Tuesday may or may not be dark, that is to be determined still.)

For at least Monday through Wednesday, call is still at 7p.m. - show to start at 8 p.m.  We will let Brian tell us on Wednesday what he wants for Thursday's Dress Rehearsal. 

Ushers*:   If you are going to be able to make it on Sunday to do your audience participation, that would be great.  As I mentioned before, the actual show will not start running on Sunday until  about 1:30 p.m.  Before that they will be working on technical "stuff". 

However, what would be even greater, would be if you could come at noon , and join me in stuffing the bags that we will be selling .  We will be downstairs in the boardroom.  This goes for any people not involved in the tech part upstairs, (like Props, ....)  or set folks.  We have a lot of bags to stuff!

So, this is it, as our pal Frank so aptly puts it, "don't dream it, be it!"

B est.,
Tracey C. Towner, Producer
The Rocky Horror Show

* Chris Wendel - could you make sure you call the ushers without e-mail addresses to let them know about Sunday?  Thanks so much!

February 24,
Hot Patootie, Look at that sunshine!!!! Love it!!!
Stage crew Patooties: Dick and I looked at the dress code for back stage in the show and came to the conclusion that jeans are appropriate. So you can wear either back pants or blue jeans. You will still need to wear black shoes and sox and a black shirt or a Rocky Horror shirt.
News flash : There will be a Wednesday show! Wednesday March 22nd. We will need crew for that night so think about it and let me know if some of you can do that. I apologize but....
Dick asked the Powers That Be, at the last Production meeting, will there bea WEdnsday show... the answer was no. I called the OTP office, just to be sure before I sent out the schedule,.....the answer was no. Then we heard that a Wednesday show was advertised in a paper. So, I wrote another email to the Powers That Be and have yet to get an answer. The Super Hero award for this week ( maybe we will let her keep it for two weeks) is.....
Drum Roll.........  CINDER CONLON!  Cinder went to the box office and found out that they have already sold tickets for that Wednesday. Thank-you Cinder!
Remember,be there,and be patient, Sunday at 12:30pm. If you feel you will need a snack, bring something. Just remember do not to leave a personal snack out in the Greenroom! Leave only food you plan to share!
Dick and I am so pleased with you work and you enthusiasm!  Stage Crew You Rock-y!
Spots, we will be seeing you on Sunday! I will try to make sure we all get to meet each other. Spots if you would like a back stage tour....Come on down! 
Rock-y on Everybody , Have a great day! 
Oh, I Googled Patooties and found some pretty diverse stuff. Try it! 

Denni Don Hunting
Assistant Stage Manager
Rocky Horror Show
February 21,
Hi There Hot Patooties!  I am forwarding the rehearsal videos! 
The latest news from Brian Dungjen our Director is....Tech Sunday "call" is noon. In English that means that actors and tech have to be there to get ready to start the rehearsal around 1:00 to 1:30pm. Sooooooo, I say to you, anyone that would like to come in at noon you are ever so welcome. Stage crew "call" will be 12:30pm. If you have a conflict with church just get there as soon as you can. If you cannot be there, please email me or call Dick or Rick or me.  Thanks! Denni

February 20,
Hi there Hot Patooties, Just forwarding a couple things that came to me today. First is the schedule  from Tracey. Note the change in the time for Tech Sunday. I will check to see if they are planning to go up at noon or setting the call at noon. I will tell you all know. It will make about an hour difference in our schedule. Tonight it is 6:30 for us and show to run at 7:00pm. Please remember to always be patient. There is a plan and sometimes it doesn't work, and we don't get started for a half hour or so. This is people work not car manufacturing! Bring a book if you like or a Suduko puzzle but be ready when we are ready to go. We keep our attitude positive an all will be fun!

We're in the homestretch folks!  Let's all make sure that we are taking care of ourselves, that we are on time for rehearsal, and that we have learned our lines!!!
This week, the week of February 20th, I need to remind those folks coming tonight (Monday) early to get in costume and makeup for a photo, to actually get there before or as close to 6 p.m. as you can.  I just received a call from the Record Eagle, and due to a tight schedule, they will be there at 6:30 p.m. - not 7 p.m.!!!  (those folks are Elitza, Cathy, Katie, Sarna, Jeff, Jim, Edmund, Bev, Dana, Anthony Ascione-Chwaskek, Lars, Patrick, Todd, and Al)
This will actually work out better as it gives them 30 minutes to take our photo, and then you will be ready to start rehearsal at 7 p.m. without holding everything up.  However, Jeaneatte, Kathy and Sindi, I know that this puts more pressure on you. 
So, let's review this week:
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday we will start rehearsal at 7 p.m. on the dot!  Brian will run as much of the play as he can each night, although there may be a few rough spots that he will spend extra time on. 
Thursday there is no rehearsal due to a performance in the Studio.
Let's talk about Sunday, February 26th - that is Tech Sunday folks!  For those who are having their first theatre experience - that means we run the show and work out all the technical details.  So,  we start and stop a lot, and it makes for a long day.  We will start at NOON - but plan on being there a long time.  We will provide a meal later in the day, something easy like pizza. 
Usher cast - thanks for coming this past Sunday.  If you can come to any rehearsals this week, or on Tech Sunday, we'd love to see you, but I am sure you will be hearing from your House Managers who are now the ones you go to with questions and schedule changes - they are Chris Wendel , Brenda Vittorelli  and Sherri Burford .  (Note to Sherri/Brenda - I didn't get an e-mail for Norm Jones, or Renee Chwastek on Sunday, if you did, could you share it please? Thanks.  Also, Ken Daniels called today, and expressed his regret, but due to some personal circumstances in his life he will not be ushering this time around.  )
Also for ushers, I have attached your schedule that I handed out on Sunday.  For those of you who had changes and communicated them with the House Managers, don't worry, I know that they have them.  However, I wanted to attach the schedule for the few of you who were unable to make it so you could review it as well. 
And that's about it for now - see you soon! 
Tracey Towner, Producer
The Rocky Horror Show
p.s.  Note for Amy Warner - the answer to your question is "tonight!"  :)
p.s.s.  Note to all - I keep forgetting that the playhouse would like to remind you that the Green Room and the area we are rehearsing in is now our responsibility.  It will be our home for the next month.  Let's clean up after ourselves, wash our cups, remove our food when not eating it.  It is not their job to do that for us.  It's simply a matter of common courtesy.  Thank you all in advance.
.... This next note is from our "Frankie" aka Brett. Vice Chair, Board of Artistic Directors.
If I may add....From the board...
There has been some.....well...concerns expressed to the board about what Tracy just brought up regarding the green room, etc. Shes correct, it is now our theater and our responsibility.
I know we are all busy, but if your in the green room and notice things are out of place, need to be cleaned up, etc, take the time and help out, even if its not your mess. However if everyone ensures they clean up after themselves that wont be a problem for long. If you are taking the time to straighten, are new to the OTP and dont know where something goes, grab a vet and feel free to ask.
Notes for the woodroom, if you are working in there, it is imperitive that you put things away when you are done. Power tools, drills and the like do not get set on a table for storage. Again if you dont know, ask. If you saw, sweep, put wood scraps away, etc.
Community theater is a combined effort and with a show as large as this one, with as much going on, it is very important we all pitch in and do our part to keep our home away from home clean and organized. Our job doesnt stop with the stage im afraid. Oh, that goes for the dressing rooms as well, espically! HAHA, i know how smelly and nasty they can get! If you have any questions please feel free to find me.
Oh, can i talk about strike for a sec? I know its aways away, and we are still thinking about onening, but time to get this out. Strick is VERY important. Not only is it part of your schedule in this show, but it is the final time we may see some of us for awhile. Its a closure if you will. And although we are usually slightly hung over, tired and maybe a little crabby, and even though strike means work, it is fun with power tools. Please, please, please please plan to attend.
Anyway, with that said, I want to close by saying you are all doing a GREAT job and we have a wonderful production brewing. You all should be very proud of yourselves and each other. I am honored to be working with each of you!!!
Special thanks to all the production staff and ushers, your great. Tracy, thanks for doing such a great job at keeping us in tuned with whats going on!!!
"Let the party and the sounds rock on!!!!"
Brett Nichols
aka "Frankie"
Vice Chair, Board of Artistic Directors.
February 17;
Hey there Hot Patooties!!! Are you ready for Sunday? :-)
Stage Crew is going to start Sunday. Spot Op Team you will start at a later date. Cinder 8-) will let us know!
Stage Crew please be at the theatre at 12:30pm on Sunday.
Please wear comfortable clothes and shoes.
Please be prepared to stay until at least 4:00pm and maybe later. If we get out earlier it is a Big Yeah! =D>
You can bring you lunch or a snack and or water or a soda. There will be coffee in the Green Room. ( Anything left out on a table will be eaten by others. If it is sitting on a table in plain sight, then it is for everyone. Actors and crew love snacks! :-* )

You are welcome to bring your Dig. Camera and want to take a shot or two for your own scrapbook or perhaps to have posted on Don's website. There will be break time when you are welcome to take pictures. Taking shots of actors while they are working can be disturbing to them so wait for breaks . Don's website is :   remember to check it out. (Go to Rocky Horror Show, go to Rocky Candid Corner.)
I will be forwarding an email from one of the cast who has been taking rehearsal videos. You can watch some of the dancing right on your own computer. =D>
Hope everyone got their Tee Shirt order in.
Any questions, comments, problems, feedback, jokes...I will be here! :-)

Denni Don Hunting
Assistant Stage Manager
Rocky Horror Show
February 9,

There is a rehearsal, this Sunday, February 12th at 2 p.m. at the Playhouse.
Does anyone have a conflict that we are not aware of?  Please let me know.
Reminder to All Cast & Crew:  I need your Bio forms on Sunday, 2/12 as well.  I need to type them so that the office can get them to the printer on time.  If you would like to send them electronically, that is fine too.
Please get me your t-shirt or sweatshirt order by the due date , we are only putting in 1 order!  That day is Wednesday, February 15th.   Remember we need payment prior to the order.
Also, remember that the office needs Cast & Crew Ticket Orders by Wednesday , February 15th!!!!   You are to give them directly to Amy in the office.
From the Staff:  From each department I need your list of folks (e.g.  Who worked on the set?  Who is in the band? Who is helping with makeup and costumes?)  Denni, I think I have all of yours, but if anything has changed since you sent them, please let me know.  Also, I need "thank yous" - did someone lend you a prop, or services?

That's about it for now.    
 Tracey C. Towner,  Producer
The Rocky Horror Show

Hi there, Hot Patooties!  8-) Here is the first edition of the stage crew schedule. Remember the five great words of scheduling..."at this point in time"! :-) Please check to see if I have made any errors.
I did make a mistake once, I thought I was wrong. :-D :-D :-D Seriously... to err is human, and oh boy am I human!  :-[

During rehearsals and through the performances we would like to have the crew in the theatre one hour before curtain. We may find that there is very little to do before the house opens( at 7:30pm) and we can have folks show up by 7:30pm.

 Don and Malinda are the subs, it appears that we may need you often. We will know better in a week or so. I left you on the schedule and will take you off as the schedule is refined.

Karen Haspas: Do you have any interest in subbing back stage when you are not operating a spot?
If you do please join us during our training week if you can. If not just be there during Tech week if you are not training on spot.

Sun. Feb. 19th 1:30pm rehearsal. (We would like to have crew be at the theatre one hour before the rehearsal starts. We will have time to do a little organization stuff. )
Cherie, Deb B., Deb C., Jeanie G.?, Joe K., Don K., Malinda W.  Rick/Denni

Mon. Feb. 20th thru Wed. Feb 22nd 7pm rehearsal: Cherie, Deb B., Deb C., Jeanie G., Joe K., Don K., Malinda W.  Rick/Denni . ( No Cherie on Monday and No Deb B. on Wednesday.)

Saturday Feb. 25th Dry Tech: Time TBA: Afternoon: We may not need a full crew that day. I will get back to you on that.

Sunday Feb. 26th Tech Sunday Time TBA: Cherie,  Deb C., Jeanie G., Joe K., Don K., Malinda W.  Rick/Denni .  (No  Deb B. )

Mon. Feb. 27th 7pm reh.:  Deb C., Jeanie G., Joe K., Don K., Malinda W.  Rick/Denni .  (No Cherie ,no Deb B. )

Tues. Feb, 28th 7pm reh: Cherie, Deb C., Jeanie G., Joe K., Don K., Malinda W.  Rick/Denni .  (No Deb B. )

Wed. Feb. Mar.1st, 7pm reh.: Deb C., Jeanie G., Joe K., Don K., Malinda W.  Rick/Denni .  (No Cherie, no Deb B. )

Thurs. March 2nd, Final Dress Reh. 8pm: Deb C., Jeanie G., Joe K., Don K.,  Rick/Denni .  (No Cherie, Deb B.,  Malinda W )

Fri. Mar. 3rd Opening Night: 8pm: Deb C., Jeanie G., Joe K., Don K., Malinda W.  Rick/Denni .  (No Cherie, no Deb B. )

Sat.  Mar. 4th 8pm: Deb. B. Deb C., Jeanie G.,, Don K., Malinda W.  Rick/Denni .  (No Cherie, no Joe K.)

Thurs: Mar. 9th 8pm: Cherie, Deb B.,  Jeanie G., Joe K., Don K.,.  Rick/Denni . ( No Deb C.  Malinda W.)

Fri. Mar.10th 8pm: Cherie, Deb B.,  Jeanie G., Joe K., Don K.,.Malinda W.,    Rick/Denni . ( No Deb C. )

Sat. Mar. 11th, 8pm: Cherie, Deb B., Deb. C,   Joe K., Don K.,.Malinda W.,    Rick/Denni . ( No Jeanie G.  )

Thurs. Mar. 16th 8pm: Cherie, Deb B.,  Jeanie G., Joe K., Don K.,.  Denni , ( No Deb C.,  Malinda W., Rick)

Fri. Mar. 17th 8pm: Cherie, Deb B.,  Jeanie G., Joe K., Don K.,. Malinda W.,   Denni , ( No Deb C., Rick)

Sat. Mar.18th 8pm : Deb B.,  Jeanie G., Joe K., Don K.,. Malinda W.,   Denni , ( No Cherie, Rick)
Sat. Mar.18th 12m : Cherie, Deb B., Deb. C.  Jeanie G., Joe K., Don K.,. Malinda W.,   Denni , ( No Rick)

Thurs.Mar. 23rd 8pm:  Deb B., Deb. C., Jeanie G., Don K.,.  Denni , ( No Cherie,  Joe K., Malinda W.)

Fri. Mar. 24th  8pm:  Deb B., Deb. C., Jeanie G.,Joe K., Don K.,. Malinda W.   Denni /Rick  ( No Cherie,  )

Sat. Mar. 25th 8pm: Deb B., Deb. C., Jeanie G.,Joe K., Don K.,. Malinda W.   Denni /Rick  ( No Cherie,  )

Sun. Mar. 26th Time TBA:  Strike Everyone is to participate! 
February 10
Hot Patooties, Some days you think I have disappeared altogether and other days you just can't get rid of me !  @>----

I forgot to mention a couple important things. I am told we will not be doing any Wednesday performances. But..... we "may" depending on ticket sales, add another Sat. midnight performance.  Maybe, maybe, maybe, if, if ,if... it would be midnight Sat. March 11th.  So please check your schedules and just keep this in mind.  News at 11:00! :-\

I also keep forgetting to remind folks about the web sites: Old Town Playhouse has a web site  business, ticket info, show announcements, etc.

Don Kuehlhorn has an Old Town Playhouse web site. There you will find pictures, journals, announcements, archives and more.   don't miss the fun stuff!  :-D There are a few rehearsal, set pics on there right now, more to come! You are welcome to add your 2 cents! Or more !

Denni Don Hunting
Assistant Stage Manager
Rocky Horror Show
February 8:

Hello Hot Patooties!  I'm back !!!! I am forwarding this message from Tracey. I apologise because it came to me  several days ago and I was down with some awful bug and just didn't attend to business. I did not make it to the Production meeting last night, just ran out of gas yesterday. I have emailed  Tracey with questions and I am waiting for her answers. Till I get them...we will move forward.

The attachments:
There are order forms for advanced sale ticket reservations if anyone wants those please get a hold of Tracey Towner.
Bio's.. I have not gotten the final answer as of this morning but I do not think that the stage crew or the spot ops will not need to write a bio. I believe Cinder, Dick, Rick, Gary and I are asked to do that. Everyone else will have their name in the program but no bio. I will let you know as soon as I hear the answer from Tracey.
T-shirts... They came up with a terrific graphic for the back our shirts. They are going to be super!!
Bio.pdf  Advance Tickets.pdf   T-Shirts.pdf
If anyone cannot open the attachments, please let me know I think I can cut and paste them on an email for you.
As of this morning I have gotten everyone's schedule conflicts. I should have the rough schedule ready soon.
I am still waiting to hear if there will be a rehearsal on Feb.19th Sunday. If there is I would like stage crew to plan to make that rehearsal. That means subs too!  Spots, Cinder will tell you when she wants you to show up. Those of you who need practice or training we will arrange a time for that so you will be comfortable.

A Hot Patootie note for today!  We will be entering the show at time when everyone is trying to finish the set, the dance, learning lines, remembering blocking, setting lights, setting sound etc. It can get pretty hectic and sometimes very stressful. You hear orders barked, a few bad words, and some loud "not nows". Don't let any of that hurt your feelings!  As Tech staff we have more to do than just push furniture or aim a light. We support the entire process of the show. We support the Director the Producer the Actors the Band, Props, Set, Costumes, Hair, Makeup, House and Box Office and eachother! We lend this support by starting with a positive attitude! Every reasonable question or request is in your job description. So when the "Will you help me find..., Can you show me how..., Will you go tell..., Would you mind doing... etc, start coming at us in a big way, we try to assist as best we can, and with a smile! Rick and Dick and Cinder and I will be there to help you learn your job and  when you get asked a question you can't answer...find one of us. Just remember that e-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y is working hard and we a-l-l want the "show" to be a success! 
Some phrases I never tire of hearing are, "No problem", "I'll try", "Thank-you", "You are so welcome ", and "Good job"!   Huuuuuummmmm   I can't think of anyone that get's tired of hearing them !!!  Pass them on! 
I am out of here for now. Be back when I have some news!     Denni

Hereee'sssss Tracey!!!!!
First, the reminder - there is Rehearsal this Sunday, at 2 p.m. at the playhouse, for EVERYONE !
I know that a few of you raised your hand the other night to indicate conflicts, but if you could e-mail me now so I know exactly who has a conflict and will not be there, or who might be there late, please tell me now. 
Secondly, most of the cast was there on Thursday when I handed out the Bio forms, the ticket order forms for friends and family, and the t-shirt order forms.   But, most of the crew was not, and neither was the band.  So, please print a form off, fill it out, and leave it in the Rocky Horror folder outside the office if you are not going to be seeing me at rehearsal anytime soon. 
On Sunday we will let you know what next week's rehearsal schedule looks like.
See you soon!
Tracey Towner,  Producer
The Rocky Horror Show
January 30,

I am still looking for schedule conflicts from several of you. I you don't have any that is great but, let me know that.
Take a moment to look at the snow on the trees this morning. Now that is set dressing!

January 27,
Hi there Hot Patooties!  Thought I would start forwarding the messages from Tracey about the schedule so you all would know what is going on! How about that!  You can always stop in a watch a rehearsal any time! You are also welcome to help Al Thompson at any time with the set construction.   Denni

In the event that you were not at rehearsal last night - we wanted to let you know that there is no rehearsal on Thursday, January 26th!
However, there will be a rehearsal on Sunday, January 29th, at 2 p.m. at the playhouse, downstairs. 
Also, at noon on this same Sunday, Al Thompson will begin building our set (Anatomy of a Murder will be over).  He could use assistance if you want to come early and help. 
As for next week, Sara believes she is on the mend and has asked us to duplicate the schedule we had planned for this week.  A big thanks to Niky for stepping in and coming up with that great coreography for you to learn this week. 

To repeat last week's schedule, it is:

On Monday, January 30th, at the Old Town Playhouse
Sara Quigley, Vocal Director, will work with the following:
7:00 pm Chorus Only
8:00 pm Science Fiction, with Usheretees
8:15 pm Damn it Janet, with Brad and Janet
8:30 pm Frank - Over at the Frankenstein Place
9:00 pm Rocky only
Niky Gerard, Choreographer, will work with whoever is available
8:00 - 9:00 pm - some more work on what you've learned, and perhaps something new
So, that means everyone has to be at rehearsal!
On Tuesday, January 31st, at the Old Town Playhouse
Sara Quigley, Vocal Director, will work with the as following:
7:00 pm Chorus Only
8:30 pm add Frank for Charles Atlas Song
then do Sweet Transvestite, (will also need Brad, Magenta, Columbia,
& Riff Raff for this)
So, once again that means everyone has to be at rehearsal!

On Wednesday, February 1st,  at the Old Town Playhouse
Sara Quigley, Vocal Director, will work with the following:
7:00 pm Chorus Only
8:00 pm add Riff Raff, Columbia & Magenta for Time Warp
8:20 pm Eddie - Hot Patootie with Chorus
8:40 pm Janet - Touch-A, Touch Me
So, once again that means everyone has to be at rehearsal!

On Thursday, February 2nd, we will be OFF SITE - probably at Sara's house
Sara Quigley, Vocal Director, will work only with the Chorus tonight, NO LEADS
7:00 pm Chorus Only
I'd also like to take a moment to review conflicts for this week (and if I have missed any, please let me know).
Monday, 1/30 - Amy Warnar, Anthony-Ascione Chwastek
Tuesday, 1/31 -   Anthony-Ascione Chwastek
Wednesday, 2/1 - Sarna Salzman(?), Anthony-Ascione Chwastek
Thursday, 2/2 - None

I will also put the schedule on my home machine, and if there are any changes will e-mail you and change the message.
Tracey C. Towner, Producer
Rocky Horror Show

Janury 26,
Hello Everyone! Dick Cieslik is our Stage Manager, applause...Thank-you!
Rick Korndorfer is an Assistant Stage Manager, as am I, applause... Thank-you!
Cinder Conlon is our Lighting Designer and Light Board Op., applause...Thank-you ! 
I just wanted to touch base with you all, and let you know that, at this time,... drum roll... you are the Stage Crew!
Let's hear it for the Stage Crew... Thank-you ! 

We are still not sure exactly how many folks we will need back stage at each performance. I have been told "around five".  Don Kuehlhorn and Malinda Woodcox we are calling Subs, at this time.
What we would like to know is, what if any conflicts, or time off the show you would need. That way Dick and Rick and I ( sounds musical doesn't it? Dick and Rick and I, cha cha cha!) can make a schedule.
This is an "on the job training kind of process" so fear not if you feel you don't know what you are going to do...Neither do we right now! Oh, we know a lot of stuff but not all the stuff for this show.

Let me give you the dates we will need you, plus show dates: (Some of this could change so keep your knees flexed.)
Starting Sun. Feb.19th ( Don't know yet if we are rehearsing that Sunday or not.) or Mon. 20th, We would like everyone to start being at rehearsals. That week we would be on stage 2/20. 2/21, 2/22.
There is a show in the studio theatre so we cannot be in the house on Thursday.
Sat.  Feb. 25th may be dry tech. keep that day open. We will call it TBA at this time.
Sun. Feb. 26th is Tech Sunday. That is the day we put all the tech together, sound, lights costumes, orch. stage etc.
Mon. Feb.  27th thru Thurs Feb.March 2nd, rehearsals...Now there may be a "Dark Night" probably Tuesday or Wednesday. We will call that TBA also. Thursday March 2nd is Final Dress Rehearsal!
Friday March 3rd is our opening night!  Then Sat. March 4th.
Wed. March 8th thru Sat. March 11th
Thursday March 16, thru Sat. March 18th. Sat.18th we do a show at 8pm and a second show at 12 midnight.
Wed. March 22nd thru Sat.March  25th Our Closing night!
Sunday March 26th is Strike. That is as important to the process as the performances so please plan to be at Strike. Time is TBA.

Oh, Time... At this time, which I say often because things change quickly in theatre, rehearsals are at 7pm. Performances will be at 8pm. I am going to defer to our Stage Manager, Dick, for the time he will want us there before rehearsal and performance. So that is a TBA too.( One would think I just love saying that, TBA!)

We would like all of you to become aquainted with the show before we start working back stage so..
Rent the movie, which is almost word for word with the script. If you cannot do that, please plan to be at a rehearsal or two before March 19th. ( anyone who already knows every line because you have seen the show four to four thousand time, please forgive me, don't bother renting the movie.)
We may have time during our rehearsals for folks to go out into the audience and watch some of the show rehearsal but, I cannot promise that. Once back stage you may never see the front of the stage again. ( Unless you can get a night off. I hope that we can all have at least one night to see the show.) 

The tech crew which includes props, sound, lights, etc... often choses a name for themselves reflecting some part of the show. For example we were the Shadows in Westside Story , the third gang. We were the Grounds Keepers in Damn Yankees, in Beauty and the Beast we were The Magic.  You get the idea!
After a great deal of serious thought ..... drum roll.... we have  chosen "The Hot Patooties"
It is from a song in the show..
" Hot Patootie bless me soul,
I really love that rock and roll."
Anyway, when we order t-shirts we can opt to have Hot Patootie on the back.
T-shirts are optional, you don't have to order one.
Black is not optional, you will have to wear black when you work back stage. We will ask for all black starting Tech Sunday!  Actors will be in costume we will be in work uniform, black !
I may not have covered everything  but, that means I will be back soon. Hummmmm, it is a good thing!
Oh, big thing... We want to work hard and have gangs of fun together.
Talk to ya soon! 
Questions, comments, corrections, fears, annoyances, applause...always accepted!                 
Denni Don Hunting
Assistant Stage Manager
Rocky Horror Show