Directed by Al Lien
Rehearsal Pictures By Kathi Ivany-Mort

Cast List:
All actors play multiple parts.

Michael DeAgro
Gage Vander Meer
Steve Rine
Nan Worthington
Andrew Martin
Kathi Ivany-Mort
Cindy Moore-Curtis
Production Staff:

Director ................ Al Lien
Asst. Directorr/Props ........... Kathi Ivany-Mort
Costumes .................. Nancy Albrecht
Light Design .............. Don Kuehlhorn
Sound Design and Oper. .............. M'lynn Hartwell
Light Oper. ..................Abbie Behrens
Hair and Makeup ................ Kathi Ivany-Mort
Running Crew ................. Mike Carney, Mark Smith