Dress Rehearsal and Opening Night Pictures... Deb Bowman

Cast List
Felix Humble............. Joel Curiel
Mercy  Lott ................ Kelly Curtis
Flora Humble......Maryscott O'Connor
Jim, the Gardner.................... Jan Dalton
George Pye.................... Joe Kilpatrick
Rosie Pye.......Jeanette Hagberg

Production Staff

Director...  Sherri Wallace
Producer.......Lori Savage
Asst. to the Director..Denni Don Hunting
Stage Manager & Asst. Director... Wizard
Set Designer . Denni Don Hunting
Set Construction.... Michael T. Holland
Beehive Design & Const.......Dan Goodearl
Set Painting ....... Lori Wheeldon, Steve Orr
Properties .............. Barbara Goodearl, Karen Gardnet
Costumes ...... Jeanette Hagberg
Costumes Mentor .. Kathy Verstraete
Lighting Design ......... Don Kuehlhorn
Light Op. ..........  Wizard
Sound Design ... Gary Bolton
Sound Op.............Steve Rine
Floral Advisor/Designer ........ Derek Woodruff
Fight Choreographer ............. Geoff Wallace
Dance Choreographer .............. Minda Nyquist
Director Mentor ...............Jan Dalton
Artistic Committee Liaisons............ Barbara Goodearl, Jan Dalton
House Managers ............ Barbara Goodearl, Karen Gardner