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Orphans and Choreographer Sines

Cast List

Dir. Sundstrom <br> Pianist Parson <br> A.D. Perez

Daddy Warbucks - Larry Hains

Annie - Chelsee Oaks

Miss Hannigan - Cindy Monroe

Rooster - Chris Wendel

Grace - Bensie Benghauser

Lily- Sherry McCartey

Louis Howe
Announcer  - Stan Campbell

Bert Healy
Judge Brandies - Phillip Callighan

Cecile - Kristi George

Henry Morganthau - Al Lein

Lt. Ward
Ickes - Dick Dawson

Second Cop - John Dew

Dog Catcher
Cordell Hull - James Hickey

Asst. Dog Catcher
Marine - Hans Benghauser

Mrs. Pugh - Alton Freers

Sophie - Janice Binkert

Mrs. Greer - Margaret Anne Slawson

Artie - Jack Petty John



Apple Seller
Usherette - Christina Whittaker

Sound Effects Man - Jeff Kroeger

Frances Perkins
Peggy - Stacey Griffith

Drake - Jonathon Basler

Jane/Star to Be - Liz Shaberg

Boylan Sister- Amanda Baltrip

Annette - Lindsay Gonda

Boylan Sisters - Nicole Harman, Claire Gibbons


Jessy - Jody Burns
Molly - Margaret Parsons
Kate - Ellen Ott
Alice - Ali Gribi
Duffy - Bridget Tiffany
Tessie - Kenna Scheffler
Lindy - Maggie McGurn
Susie - Shelby Lewis
Ellie - Jordan Byington
July - Bekka Sneed
Pepper - Leigh Scheffler
Daisy - Zara Julin


Production Staff


Director - Nancy Sundstrom

Producer - June Neal

Associate Producer - Jean Friday

Ass't to Director - Michelle Perez,
                             Kris Hains

Production Ass't - Nicole Nicolas

Choreographer - Judy Sines

Ass't Choreographer - Cristy Needham

Musical Director - Dorothy Kunkel

Vocal Music - Holly Bringman


Poster Design - Stacey Griffith

Stage Manager - Jennifer Miles

Costumes - Kathy Verstraete

Set Design - Joe Verstraete

Set Construction - Jeff Kroeger
Al Lein, Larry Hains,Phillip Callighan

Accompianists - Paulette Parsons,
                          Grace Hanninen

Board Liaison - Jan Dalton

Lighting and Dog - Marty Phillips

Sound - Gary Bolton

Props - 3 Chairs - Kathy Newton,
                             Lynn Pettyjohn,
                             Tracee Oaks-Cebtree