Donna Lucia on a Sunday afternoon

February 6, 2000

"I have a challenge for you," the director said.

"When you go on stage, go on as Suzanne Dalton, not the hand flailing Donna Lucia you've recently been working on. Walk on as the self-assured successful business woman you are and see what happens. Bring Suzanne Dalton into Donna Lucia."

Hmmm, you all know how I love a challenge.

I've been mulling this over since Thursday, thinking of mannerisms, gestures and an attitude that would convey exactly that. I've also rethought the blocking for my opening scene. Implementing those changes, Ella and I did two walk throughs while waiting to go on today and it felt very good. Donna Lucia wouldn't be star gazing at the "spiral cathedrals" she'd be wondering where her nephew is and patio really does need a bit of cleaning. Slightly cynical but thoroughly amused.

Clyde came with me to rehearsal for the first time--with the digital video camera. We use the video for my dog training and agility matches and trials; it is an incredible tool. Most of the time Cassis and I screw up in a competition it's usually my fault. I've accidentally given her the wrong signal with my body language. Body language is a major form of communication in the canine world. But isn't acting the same? Isn't that how we convey our feelings, attitudes and personality? Unfortunately Clyde was only able to tape my Act II performance. They had another function at the theatre and we went to a smaller room and just read our parts without blocking for Act III.

Usually when I see myself on video, I'm running around a competition ring directing Cassis. Not too many full on face shots. After recovering from the shock of seeing those halogen eyes everyone comments on I could start to analyze my performance. Well, if Don, the director wasn't right!!! The attitude did look much better. For some reason I was more nervous than I've ever been before, but the character still came through. Still much to work on, but a very good beginning.

Yours still studying those lines and seeing different things in them,
Suzanne & Cassis (One look at those eyes and I know if I'm in trouble!)

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