The Old Town Playhouse, home of the Traverse City Civic Players, is the only community theater within a 60 mile radius and provides a vast array of opportunities to all ages. Our 350 members is comprised of people from the five surrounding counties. Our demographic area of season ticket holders covers nearly the entire northern lower peninsula, as well as areas of the upper peninsula. We are a 40 year-old organization with a reputation of producing excellent quality theater. The Old Town Playhouse annually produces six mainstage shows, three studio shows, and a family holiday production. OTP offers frequent adult workshops in areas such as scene construction, painting, costume construction, improvisation, and acting.

In addition to the Traverse City Civic Players, the Old Town Playhouse is home to the Traverse City Children / Teen Theatre. TCCT produces two annual children’s shows (one of these in conjuction with Missoula Children’s Theatre of Montana). TCCT is the educational arm of the Playhouse, providing ongoing workshops for children of all ages, including classes on improvisation, acting, mask making, and creative play. TCCT has also hosted guest artists who perform as well as conduct hands-on workshops for children in areas such a magic and juggling. For the past three years, TCCT has also provided an outreach program, teaching classes in counties adjacent to Grand Traverse.

The Old Town Playhouse holds a very special niche in the Traverse Bay area. It is the only arts organization in the area which provides a place for children to perform alongside their parents or grandparents, or for musicians of all ages to gain experience performing in a theatrical orchestra. OTP welcomes any and all volunteers and enables people from all walks of life to experience many facets of the arts from acting, to directing, to dancing, to scenic or costume design and construction, to house management, or to box office assistance. The Old Town Playhouse is proud of the fact that we have such a large base of loyal volunteers who continue to use OTP as a vehicle to spread their artistic wings. We are also proud of the fact that we are constantly recruiting new volunteers and offer an opportunity for people of all ages, who may not other wise have a chance to do so, to experience the magic of theatre.